Greening our world through the horse/human connection | Untamed graphic solutions

Welcome to a world where
horses and people accompany
and empower one another—
through interaction, story, image,
and inspiration—for the high
adventure of our lives.
NEWSLETTER SIGNUP / free gift “Horses are potent partners in the web that connects us all.”
What Others Say:
“These five days have been extraordinary. I went into the workshop wanting to explore my deep yearning for partnership, with whom or with what, I did not know. In the course of the program this yearning opened up into an awakening of all my senses and a more accurate attunement with the world in and around me. I experienced directly and know that living fully in my body is the essential ingredient for authentic leadership—leading others and leading myself. “
–Sandra Banister, The Leadership Circle Asia Pacific – Sydney, Australia
“I always knew I had a soul connection with these beautiful animals. It wasn’t until doing work with Trish and her horses that I opened up to a much deeper understanding of my relationship to horses. Trish is a master in guiding and leading the human to the mystery, allowing the understanding to come in its own good time. I would recommend her work to everyone, and I am very grateful for the connection she facilitated so masterfully. It isn’t just my relationship with horses that changed, but also with other people and the rest of nature. Brilliant work!”
–Cheri Catt, Retired Executive Banker, Global Citizen, Mead, WA
Riding Beyond provides opportunities for trauma recovery from breast cancer treatment, long COVID effects, and area wildfires, to revitalize emotionally, physically, and spiritually, through carefully designed, guided interactions with horses who offer exceptional healing talents. Activities include poetry, story telling, music and powerful exercises to refresh body, mind and spirit, literally opening new neural pathways, based on cutting edge brain research.
Riding Into Your Mythic Life
Transformational Adventures with the Horse
Available at your local bookseller or Amazon.
“. . . opened my mind, my heart, and my soul and sent all of them out over hidden mountain trails into rich green pastures.”
Margaret N. Rubin
Center for Sacred Theatre
“What a delicious irony that being with horses in the way that Trish Broersma teaches is an experience of becoming more fully human.”
Jean Houston
from the Foreword
“Horses by their very nature are mythic creatures — they represent in our collective imagination aspects of the human journey at its greatest.”
“In Riding into Your Mythic Life, I invite readers on an experiential journey of transformation with horses, offering ways to explore life’s events as part of a personal mythic journey, engaging the power of the horse for potent partnerships. The book offers horse enthusiasts and professionals, as well as therapists, educators, and lay readers, the opportunity to explore human potential through powerful experiences with horses and myth. It brings my work as a therapeutic riding instructor together with my studies in myth and body-based healing modalities. I hope you enjoy the ride, the high ride of your life.”
“Evocative and well-written, the book combines examples and case studies from history, literature and the author’s personal experience, as well as a selection of transformative exercises, many of which you can share with your horse, to help you more fully explore the life-changing gifts your equine partner can offer you.” EQUINE WELLNESS MAGAZINE
“This new book is a must read . . . . Broersma offers excellent, explicit exercises . . . . She skillfully wraps these in a narrative of the hero’s journey. Every horse lover will understand and enjoy the human-horse connections spelled out in the book. Every literature student will enjoy the explanation of mythological implications in our everyday life. Riding Into Your Mythic Life is a groundbreaking study into the new and exciting world of equine facilitated mental health by Patricia Broersma, a leader in the field.” KATHY JOHNSON, Medicine Horse, Boulder, CO
“Compassionate and informative, this wonderful book is about that intimate relationship between horses and humans, and lots more.” NATURAL HORSE MAGAZINE
Riding into Your Mythic Life
“Patricia Broersma takes the work of Joseph Campbell and Jean Houston one colossal step further, offering practical advice and experiential lessons on how we become our own knights in shining armor through the wisdom of the horse. A pleasure to read and an adventure to live, Riding into Your Mythic Life is an important book!”
—LINDA KOHANOV, author of The Tao of Equus, Riding between the Worlds, and Way of the Horse: Equine Archetypes for Self Discovery
“Trish Broersma has given readers a great gift with Riding into Your Mythic Life. This special book provides a wonderful insight into the many ways horses can change lives through their power, magic, and mythic legacy.”
— SHEILA DIETRICH, former CEO of the North American Riding for the Handicapped Association (NARHA)
“Through engaging rituals and conscious connection with horses, she helps us open to our mythic inner landscape and discover our true path in life.”
— MARTA WILLIAMS, animal communicator and author of Learning Their Language, Beyond Words, and Ask Your Animal
Read More in Press Kit
Click here for press release, media bio, photos, and sample interview questions.

Meet Trish
Trish (Patricia) Broersma roams the hills and trails surrounding Ashland in southern Oregon on her horses, Mystic and Journey, and offers experiences for people and horses alike to explore new possibilities for their lives. She also enjoys bringing visual brilliance through web and print media to the deeper vision of those whose work seeks to make a positive difference in our world. Her personal motto is Yii Haa.
She has been a therapeutic riding professional since 1988. She spent eleven years developing and conducting an innovative equine assisted learning program in human development for at risk teens and adults in transition, published in 2007 by New World Library in Riding into Your Mythic Life: Transformational Adventures with the Horse. Since then her work has focused on deepening the horse/human relationship for global purposes, with an emphasis on body-based modalities, the power of story, and liberty training with horses for eliciting their willingness, wisdom, and enthusiasm for interactions with people.
Mystic Moon
One summer day in 2006, Trish realized she was ready for a special relationship with a new horse, and within a week, Mystic Moon stepped forward as that horse, with a bold attitude on the trail, an exceptionally big heart, and a striking resemblance to Emerald, the horse featured in Riding Into Your Mythic Life. You can catch a glimpse of these qualities in her photo, left, as she interacts with Trish during a liberty clinic. She is also the horse that trots across the coastal beach in the image for this site, an emblem of the mythic life accompanied by the horse.
Agape Journey
In Fall, 2008, Journey arrived from Denver as a gangly, big 2 year old Rocky Mountain Horse. Over the next two years he helped Trish deepen her previous year’s discoveries with liberty training so that at the age of 4, he calmly and eagerly took to saddle and bridle. See him romping in the photo left in 2012, enjoying his athletic agility with another two years of development ahead of him.
• Having grown up in Oklahoma with two horses that she showed Western in local competition, Trish attended William Woods University where she studied equine management, saddle seat equitation, and liberal arts.
• Upon transferring to the University of Michigan, she focused on undergraduate studies in pre-medical science, English literature and graduate studies for a Master of Arts in English Language and Literature, international community development with the Institute of Cultural Affairs, marriage, and the birth and care of three children for the next ten years.
• In 1980, she began training horses and teaching riding in San Antonio, TX, building a large youth riding and showing program called Horsemasters. After ten years, she founded the Saddle Light Center for Therapeutic Riding and was director and head instructor, leading it to premier accreditation with PATH International (formerly NARHA).
• In 1993, she re-established HOPE Equestrian Center in southern Oregon, leading the program to premier accreditation with PATH Intl. She also developed an innovative program for at-risk teens based on utilizing myth and the horse/human connection for transformational experiences. She was director and head instructor of HOPE for nine years. She engages in part-time professional work with Peggy Rubin and her Center for Sacred Theatre and Jean Houston’s Mystery School community, was licensed as a massage therapist for ten years, is a certified mBIT coach, and maintains certification as a PATH registered therapeutic riding instructor, certified equine specialist in mental health and learning, and certified mentor. She is faculty for PATH Equine Specialist in Mental Health and Learning Certification seminars. She was 2007-2009 president of the Equine Facilitated Mental Health Association, a section of NARHA, and served on its board for nine years.
• Since 2003, she has devoted her time to writing, riding, and teaching internationally. In June, 2013 she founded Riding Beyond in southern Oregon, a free program for women recovering from breast cancer treatment. She offers her skills as a graphic designer through her company Green Horse Graphics, where she specializes in print and web media in support of individuals, businesses and organizations making a positive difference in the well-being of our world.
The Herd
Accompanying Trish from a distance of geographical miles, but close and nearby in all other ways, are her children: Matthew resides in Bristol, England, and sometimes, Bordeaux and Angouleme, France, Cairo, Egypt, and Delhi, India, as an IT journalist and illustrator of children’s publications; Nathan works as a speech and language pathologist for children in the Philadelphia Public Schools; the Cutlers, Lauren, Fiona and Gwenivere, live here in Ashland, OR.
Little Poppy, sharing Yorkie genes with Anna Cybele who completed her 16 years of life in spring of 2023, joined Trish’s household just two days later with a remarkable and affectionate sense of humor, and eagerness to pursue her job of spreading joy.
Not shown due to camera shyness and impossibly limited web site space, are the host of friends whom Trish celebrates for their courageous mythic journeys and for their thousand degrees of friendship.